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After a highly successful stint as President of the National Association of Mortgage Brokers, Rick Bettencourt has made the move to Caliber Homes Loans, becoming an Area Manager in the Boston market.

Known as a passionate advocate for the VA Home Loan program, Bettencourt brought new energy and growth to the non-profit NAMB organization, increasing membership 38% during his time at the helm.

Bettencourt worked closely on federal and state legislation impacting the housing market and dealt with high level officials on changes in mortgage industry regulations. Throughout these efforts, he focused on actions that would directly improve the individual mortgage broker’s business. His tenure at the NAMB helped the association more effectively meet its mission of educating and empowering mortgage professionals while advocating for the industry at national, regional and local levels.

His appreciation for the VA Home Loan is personal, as he grew up in a military family. He strongly supports the VA program and is a frequent guest on the Mortgage News Network’s Homeownership Heroes where his knowledge and passion are abundantly displayed.
